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A member registered Jan 16, 2019

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I unterstood myself that everything has already been done and I need to go to the third floor to Tyler’s office. But when I go there and press Y (English layout), nothing happens. So I thought that I could miss something.

I don't need the cheat-code, because I know it: key combination is universal of all AGS games.

I'm sorry, but I need for help again.

I have  suit for cathing butterflies, bible passage, three parts of "Manor history" and Cassandra's notebook. And I stopped.

For example, I can't open the ballroom ans don't know what I may do with Cassandra's note book, bible passage and book Manor history".

Thanks for your help.

I finished "The void" dilogy. The train is interesting and original place of action. In the end of "The obscillation" I read "to be continued"...  Will you create the third part?

P.S.: game was downloaded from this page. When I take a book, in inventar I have three keys.

Thanks for help.